Portrait of a weekend warrior: Karine Corbeil

Name: Karine Corbeil
Lives in Montreal

Favourite playground where you like to spend your weekends?

Northeastern United States. The area has great diverse trails and lots of micro-breweries!

How do you plan for a weekend adventure? What inspires you the most? (Great spots to try out or instagram accounts to discover)

I really don’t like planning much so I often let the others decide where to go next. On the other hand, I’m always up for the most far-fetched plans that are likely to be very different than what was initially planned.

I love reading about bikepacking adventures on The Radavist & bikepacking.com. They post stories that are full of ideas and inspiration for the next outing.

I also like checking out the street views of the place and the trail conditions on Google Maps beforehand.

Favourite season for a bikepacking adventure?

All of them, but don’t invite me to go up North in the middle of May. I hate bugs! It’s my girly side!

What essentials to you pack when on a multiple day adventure?

There is no such thing as too much Duck-Tape, bungee cables and insect repellent!

Minimalist rider or cozy adventurer?

I’m more of a cozy adventurer – I’m always packing too much clothes, too much food and too many beers! It makes for a heavier load but a great reward.

Early morning start: Espresso or Latte?

Latte – I never get on my bike without my Bialetti